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Cookies policy

With the aim of offering a better service, today and in the future, this website ( uses cookies.
A cookie is a small bit of data that is saved on the users’ computer or portable device. Thanks to cookies the website remembers the users’ actions and preferences (e.g the private area authentication, the selected language or other settings) and consequently the users is not obliged to reinsert them again when browsing the website. Cookies are used also for verifying if you are a frequent or a new user and for remembering, anonymous and not personal, information (e.g access and exit link, browsing choices, time of stay, etc.).
Using the website, user accepts that “first or third party” cookies listed below are installed on its devices.
Disabling all or part of the cookies, the full or part of the website may be blocked or limited.

Type of cookies

Cookies vary according to their Expiration time, the domain that has installed them and their function.

Expiration time
Session Cookies
They consist in temporary files that are erased when the user leaves the website (or close the browser)..

Persistent Cookies 
This site does not use them. These files stay in one of your browser’s subfolders until you delete them manually or your browser deletes them based on the duration period contained within the persistent cookie’s file.

First Party Cookies
This site does not use them. First party cookies are set by the website you are visiting

Third Party Cookies
Third party cookies are set by other web site, through the integrated code of the browsed page. Examples of third parties cookies are cookies from social plugin (for sharing contents) or cookies that analyses customers’ visits.

Essential Cookies 
They are vital for the running of the website pages. Without the use of these cookies some website functions and the access to some content may be limited. They are used, for example, to track the log in made by a user or a website administrator. These cookies do not collect any personal user information.

Functional Cookies
These cookies collect information about the user’s choices and preferences to improve the browsing (e.g language, filled-in form with names). These cookies may include personal information (e.g user’s name). Without the use of these cookies some website functions may be limited and the access to some content may be limited.

Performance Cookies
They are used to understand: if the user are new or frequent, how they use/browse the website, how long they stay in the website, from where they access the website. Data do not identify the user as a person but they are aggregated anonymously by the analysis tools. Disabling them do not compromise the website functions.

Widget social Cookies
This site does not use them. Some widgets are provided by social networks (e.g Facebook ,Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps, etc.). Disabling them do not compromise the website functions, except for sections where widgets are installed (e.g video or maps integrations) or, in some cases, the quick sharing of contents or the possibility to comment some areas of the website.

Advertising Cookies 
This site does not use them. Advertising Cookies are used to show to users contents and advertisements related to their preferences. They work with third parties websites and remember the past browsing on pages located on different domains. These cookies remember the user IP address and other information, that can be even personal.

Managing and erasing cookies

To disable the usage of all or part of the cookies, please modify your browser settings (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.).
Usually there are pre-settings that accept cookies.
Changing those setting the browser can dismiss some or all the cookies or can send a message before installing them.
For your convenience here below a list of the major browser:

List of the used cookies

Here below a list of the cookies used by this website and the related information.

The below list details the cookies used in our website.

_fbpThis cookie is set by Facebook to display advertisements when either on Facebook or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising, after visiting the website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisementSet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Advertisement" category .
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analyticsSet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Analytics" category .
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functionalThe cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessarySet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Necessary" category .
cookielawinfo-checkbox-othersSet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to store the user consent for cookies in the category "Others".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performanceSet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to store the user consent for cookies in the category "Performance".
CookieLawInfoConsentRecords the default button state of the corresponding category & the status of CCPA. It works only in coordination with the primary cookie.
frFacebook sets this cookie to show relevant advertisements to users by tracking user behaviour across the web, on sites that have Facebook pixel or Facebook social plugin.
pll_languageThe pll _language cookie is used by Polylang to remember the language selected by the user when returning to the website, and also to get the language information when not available in another way.