Fiorani cooked chicken
breast g 230

  • Product net weight (Kg)
  • Primary packaging
  • Pieces per carton
  • Packaging weight (Kg)
  •  Shelf-life
  • Part number
  • EAN Code
  • 0,230
  • ATP
  • 8
  • 1,84
  • 25
  • 47395
  • 8033324564226

Fiorani offers a marinated and slow-cooked chicken breast, to offer the consumer a very tender and juicy second course. It is a time-saving recipe, practical and easy to prepare, also suitable for pokés or salads whose perfect result is guaranteed in just 30 seconds, in the microwave!

Year 2024 wins CARNI&CONSUMI AWARDS 2024
Anno 2024 is nominated in the Top 5 of Innovation in the Meat & Cured Meats category in the Best Food Products 2024 competition
Anno 2023 wins Best Self-Service Product Packaging


Ideal for the little ones

For a dinner with friends

For a delicious aperitif

Also for your salads


The Fiorani factories are divided into specific sections for beef and pork. In this way the risk of cross contamination is completely avoided.

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