Fiorani news

Fiorani still on the podium of the Tespi Awards at Cibus 2023

Best trade press campaign and best self-service product packaging. These are the prizes awarded to Fiorani on the occasion of the 15th edition of the Tespi Awards. In fact, with the two-day Cibus Connecting Italy trade fair, the now usual appointment with the Tespi Awards is back, the awards assigned by the editorial group to the major players in the agri-food sectors for the projects that most distinguished themselves in the various categories.

After the awards of the last few years, Fiorani once again took the stage to collect two prestigious awards and be part of the winners' parterre again this year. This is an award assigned to companies in the food sector that have distinguished themselves in the design and implementation of marketing and communication activities during the year.

A jury of 91 buyers and sector operators awarded us the Tespi Award for the best Trade 2022 press campaign characterized by the slogan “Food culture, heritage of all times” in which we inserted our products with a pinch of humor in an ideal art gallery because we think that our food culture is a heritage to be protected and valued, an element to be handed down and on which the collective identity is built in a natural and innate way. The Best Packaging recognition of the self-service product went instead to the Packaging Skin FBA Animal Welfare Chain for talking and sustainable packaging. This packaging, in addition to complying with green recyclability requirements, has been designed to highlight the characteristics of the FBA Filiera Benessere Animale range, a project launched by Fiorani thanks to the precious contribution of Inalca to enhance the Italian pig heritage through a circuit of farms that adopt systems of virtuous breeding and rigorously certified by a recognized third-party body (DQA – Department of Agri-food Quality) with 100% control of the subjects in the supply chain.
The awards were collected by Valeria Fiorani, marketing manager, who commented as follows: “It is a great satisfaction to receive these awards once again, a welcome result of the commitment we are making in communicating our corporate values.
We renew our thanks to the magazine Carni & Consumi and to the publishing group Tespi Mediagroup, organizer of the event”.